
Medal for a Mule

Issue Number: 5660

Equus asinus — that’s the proper Latin name for the weirdest weapon used by the Allies in the Second World War. It sounds unusual, but in fact it’s only the name for a common pack-mule. And the story of how one particular mule, a Commando squad, and a hotch-potch of assorted Greeks went into battle […]

Birthday Bash

Issue Number: 5659

During the Falklands War, when the lighthouse at Gideon’s Point went dark, British Marines led by Sergeant Steve Dennison were sent in to shed light on the situation. They soon found the area crawling with Argentine soldiers but before they could engage them, the Argentinians vanished out of sight. Where could a whole platoon disappear […]

Walk, Talk…And Fight!

Issue Number: 5653

Ever since he was a kid, Gene Yorke had been obsessed with radios. Then, in 1942, when he found out his brother had been killed in action, Gene enlisted to do his part and honour his memory. However, instead of the combat role he yearned for, Gene got booted to a desk job working on […]

The Camera Never Lies

Issue Number: 5650

His Tommy gun spitting a deadly hail of lead, Major Sam Fowler fought a glorious action through the shell-torn battlefields of France to the retreat at Dunkirk, earning himself a Victoria Cross for his acts of bravery. Hailed as a credit to his regiment and his country, Fowler settled down to a life as a […]

See Naples — or Die!

Issue Number: 5649

As soon the armistice was announced, Sergeant Gennaro Ricci wasted no time returning to Naples to see his family.But the city he left was not the city he came back to. The bombed‑out ruins of Naples had been overrun by German invaders who imposed curfews and shot anyone trying to resist. Plus, his sister had […]

Death in the Desert

Issue Number: 5648

When Lieutenant Neil Andrews found himself press‑ganged into the bunch of ruffians known as “Portland’s Pirates”, his welcome wasn’t a happy one. As the brutal Sergeant Nick Kearney said, “This ain’t no Boy Scout troop. There’s just one way to get out of our mob, and that’s feet‑first!” Yes, being one of Portland’s Pirates could […]


Issue Number: 5647

In the distant future of the 23rd century, humankind is fighting a war for survival, locked in a struggle against a new kind of enemy —machines. Controlled by an artificial intelligence known as Zero-Sum, these war machines are dedicated to one purpose —the annihilation of the human race! The only thing that can stop Zero-Sum […]

Fire in the Forest

Issue Number: 5646

They called themselves Werewolves. They dressed all in black and operated only at night, in the forests of southern Germany. Riding powerful motorcycles, they swept into British camps and fuel dumps, killing, wrecking and burning, then vanished. Where did these devils of the dark come from and where would they start the next fire in […]