
Hellcat vs Tiger

Issue Number: 5669

The Siege of Bastogne, 1944. The M18 Tank Destroyer, also known as the Hellcat, was one of the most effective tank destroyers of the Second World War. The Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B, also known as the King Tiger or Tiger II, was a beast feared on the battlefield, formidable and threatening. You might think you […]

Last Laugh

Issue Number: 5668

Pilot Officer Andy Howard and his crew were really up against it. Forced to crash-land in the snowy wastes of occupied Norway, they had started out on foot to deliver their Lanc’s cargo of urgently-needed weapons to the resistance. Now an enemy ski patrol had stumbled on them, and despite the fight Andy and his […]

Helicopter Heist

Issue Number: 5667

Before the war, Leonard Young was an enthusiastic aeronautical engineer who wanted nothing more than to build and design the next great air machine —the helicopter. But when he enlisted, the last thing Leonard expected was to be thrust into action, assisting in the theft of a German prototype aircraft in North Africa! With the […]

Cadman: The Fighting Coward

Issue Number: 5665

In comic pages for the first time since 1993, Cadman is back! Rebooting the classic Victor ‘hero’, original artist Mike Dorey takes up his brush to recreate more daring and dastardly Cadman adventures. In the autumn of 1914, the Anglo-French and German armies launched a series of flanking manoeuvres towards the Channel, as cowardly cavalry […]

Tooth and Nail

Issue Number: 5663

You might think life isn’t very exciting for an army dentist, but Lieutenant Keith Hooper certainly didn’t have a boring life during the Battle of Crete! As invading German paratroopers fell from the skies, Keith gritted his teeth and jumped into the action! Surviving by the skin of his teeth, Keith was captured and sent […]

The Amazing Armand

Issue Number: 5661

Abracadabra! Alakazam! Voila! During the war, the Amazing Armand was a two-bit magician performing on Civvy Street. Sure, he could pull a rabbit from a hat or tell you what playing card was behind your ear but the last place you’d expect a conjurer of cheap illusions was on a mission with British Commandos! For […]