
Jungle Drop

Issue Number: 5568

One by one the British paratroopers began their drop from the Dakota flying high over the Burmese jungle. Watching them go was Sergeant Rusty Miller. All went well until it was the last man’s turn to jump — Private Jason Jones. And Jason had a private feud with Miller, a quarrel that never let up. […]

Top Cover

Issue Number: 5566

Providing support for a bunch of hard-pressed troops in the thick jungle wasn’t easy for even a crack squadron of Thunderbolts. In fact, it would have been well-nigh impossible but for the efforts of Tony Norton. Although he was a fine pilot, Tony was on the ground right now, fighting alongside the soldiers and sending […]

Wild Weasel

Issue Number: 5559

During the Vietnam War, the skies above the unforgiving jungle were a dangerous place for American warplanes. Something that Captain Shannon “Vulcan” Sovndal and his RIO, Lieutenant Erik “Luger” Colnick, found out when Russian‑supplied SAMs used by the North Vietnamese Army shot down and killed their wingmen. But the SAM sites would not have it […]

Two Men in A Boat… Again

Issue Number: 5545

You may remember a tale of two RAF men, stranded somewhat begrudgingly together, in a boat somewhere in the British Channel after Dunkirk. Well, the nightmare pair are back at it again, lumbered with top-secret intelligence jobs, flying in a stolen Jerry floatplane. Only with these two numskulls, it’s bound not to last long!   […]

The Hunt Is On

Issue Number: 5542

Imagine you’re a British pilot, shot down over enemy‑occupied France. There’s only one thought in your mind —escape back to Britain. It’s not going to be easy, with German patrols out hunting for you, so you’re very glad when you find a group of loyal, dedicated Frenchmen who are doing their best to see that […]