

Issue Number: 4788
Giant Killer

It was a blood-feud in the skies – a fight that began in the First World War between a British ace in a string-bag of a plane and the commander of a huge German Zeppelin… It had to be settled in World War II by their sons; sleek Spitfire pitted against merciless Messerschmitt 109, their […]


Issue Number: 4785
Burden Of Command

The accepted wisdom is that to command a group of fighting men, a leader needs to inspire. Sometimes he needs to inspire confidence, sometimes loyalty…and sometimes fear. Flight Lieutenant Garry Fraser didn’t really agree with the accepted wisdom; he was one of the lads and in his mind that’s how things would stay when he […]


Issue Number: 4782
Tempest Fury

In the summer of 1944, a frightening new weapon was unleashed against the war-weary British – the dreaded V1 flying bomb. Sergeant-Pilot Jamie Collins had a personal score to settle with these robots of death. So when his squadron-leader grounded him after yet another display of reckless flying, it didn’t stop him. Where there were […]


Issue Number: 4777
Sky Warriors

Towards the end of the Second World War, the Balkan Air Force operated over Greece and Yugoslavia, supplying the Partisans and fighting Axis air power. Made up of men and aircraft of many different nationalities, it was an uneasy alliance at the best of times. Former enemies were expected to put aside their differences and […]


Issue Number: 4776
Sea Fury

Spray lashed the cockpit screen, blinding the big pilot as he fought the bucking controls to belly-land the crippled Albacore in the choppy sea. Once, twice, she bounced before she hit the icy water at terrifying speed. This was the second time young “Gusty” Bellows of the Fleet Air Arm had come off second-best to […]