Author Archives: georgia

The Nelson Spirit

Issue Number: 5146

Schoolboy Billy Peters loved the old stories of swashbuckling pirates — and, living on an island in the Caribbean, there were plenty of tales to hear. But this was 1941 and Britain was at war with Germany. There were other pirates to worry about now — the kind who sailed U-boats and threatened to cripple […]

Nazi Gold!

Issue Number: 5145

In a secret room, several Wehrmacht Generals met, their greedy eyes wide at the thought of their Nazi gold. These selfish men had pilfered gold bullion from the National Banks of Yugoslavia and Greece during their Nazi occupation. But now a ragtag group of East London gangsters and British Army officers were going to steal […]

Heroes’ Hill

Issue Number: 5144

It wasn’t much of a hill…it didn’t look important but it was a natural observation point that looked out over the Dutch countryside for miles around. And it would make history in its own little way. Lieutenant Sandy Sanderson’s orders were to take the hill in any way possible to cover the oncoming Allied offensive. […]

The Enemy of My Enemy

Issue Number: 5143

In the parched deserts of North Africa, water is the most precious resource and, for the Allied and Axis who fought there, it was the difference between life and death. That’s why LRDG Captain Tommy Butler and Afrika Korps Hauptmann Arn Renner were willing to fight to the bitter end to claim an oasis — […]