Author Archives: georgia

Hunters of the Night

Issue Number: 5438

Out of the darkness they came, to strike at the enemy before he knew what was happening. Their radar locked onto the target, the parachute flares were dropped to illuminate their victim in a blinding glare, then down went the bombs. They were the long-range Catalina flying boats, painted dark grey and flown by men […]

Death Patrol

Issue Number: 5436

Lieutenant Bob Hanson woke up, instantly alert, as the strong beam of an electric torch illuminated the dark corners of the cave he was sheltering in. Then he relaxed when he saw the men at the cave mouth were kitted out in British paratrooper uniform. Bob knew these men were amongst the finest, highly‑trained soldiers […]

A Soldier’s Honour

Issue Number: 5435

Evacuation — again — just like in Greece. The battle for the island of Crete lasted just thirteen days, as Fallschirmjager rained down bringing death and destruction with them. Aussie Corporal Ted Olsen had mates who stayed behind in Greece and it got them killed. Now he’s got a new squad and he’s determined to […]

The Fiord Fighters

Issue Number: 5434

With their Norwegian homeland occupied by the Germans, Lieutenant Rolf Amundsen and his crew had good reason for wanting to tangle with the enemy as often as possible. Unfortunately, their CO, Lieutenant Commander George Barron, reckoned they were just a bunch of pirates and took every opportunity to dampen their enthusiasm. But when they were […]

Lions in Burma

Issue Number: 5431

In the deep jungles of Burma, 82nd West African Division Sergeant Obafemi Agbaje and his men rescue Captain James Kinnear from a downed Japanese transport plane. Now they must face the terrors of the wilderness as they try to get back to base with the injured officer. But the relentless Major Higashi and his lackeys […]